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WHY the 501c3 Corp. CHURCHES won't help their Sheep

ISAIAH 52:3   "Ye have sold yourselves for nought..."  As ESAU sold his birthright by contract, so has the Church !!

There is a book that will tell you ---more than you want to know ----about how YOU have been Reemed, Steamed and Dry Cleaned by the Corporate Churches aka 501c3 (TAX EXEMPT) with the help of the Industrial Legal Complex.  The name of the book is Christianity Unmasqued by Dan Israel. I will be quoting and/or plagiarizing from this extraordinary book first published in 1996. Along with that book,  you good Christians that believe that "The LAW has been DONE away with" and "You can't keep Yahuweh's Law"  those silly 10 COMMANDMENTS should buy and read "Come out of Her  MY PEOPLE by C. J. Koster. Then read the SCRIPTURES cover to cover .

     The Proper Structure and Work of the CHURCH, as identified in Scripture, is to relieve the burdens of its people, care for the Sheep and feed them with the proper guidance and TRUTH.  The Clergy's Job is to Care for their charge as exemplified by the Good Shepherd (Yahoshua). Well, well girls and boys .... this sure doesn't look like what's going on in the good ole USA also a "private corporation". I personally contacted practically every church in Erie County, Ohio with no results. In fact, they all had my name, address, email and phone number and all I heard from them was CRICKETS.... They sold out a long long time ago but WE the PEOPLE Never got the memo. I couldn't understand why Protestants, Catholics, Jews, et al weren't interested in stopping the SEX, PEDOPHILE, DRUG, WEAPON TRAFFICKING in their own community. It turns out,  it was my mistake.  I didn't know who or what entity I was communicating with. MY MISTAKE !!  Did you all know that all these so called Churches are Incorporated by the STATE ???  Lets break this down.  The Word "Incorporate" means "to merge with".  The State is the SOLE ( not soul, god forbid) Entity Authorizing the Creation of all Corporations. A literal and formal acknowledgment of Superior Authority has taken place ....  All Major Denominations are now AGENTS of the STATE and there is absolutely NO SEPARATION between them.  They work for the State for one purpose ... TO Bring YOU under CONTROL.  The State is their MASTER and YOU are their intended VICTIMS. How can your Priests, Ministers, Rabbis, ect. teach about the SUPREME LAW (Scripture) when they themselves disregard or throw away the Same Law ?  A corporation is in actuality, a creation of the State (Ohio) an act of statutory law and must comply to the State's mandates and laws that allow it to exist. It is a FICTITIOUS ENTITY, because it has No Life Blood in and of itself. An Incorporated Church (501c3 tax exempt) is therefore a fictitious entity, a State Authorized business "doing business as a Church". Therefore, the CLERGY must also be licensed and approved (Controlled). Read Isaiah 50:1 and Luke 16:3  I was back in Jerry-Sandusky, Ohio at the beginning of the year and found that the Synagogue was closed and sold, several churches were closed and the Church I used to go to has remodeled the inside to accommodate less people. Why ?  Because they are not doing Our Creator's will and teaching the TRUTH.  I told you all a long time ago that this SATANIC CORPORATION aka the B.A.R. association controls everything on this planet. Yes they do through .... Contracts, Permits, Registrations, Licensing, etc. We are now living in a LAWLESS SOCIETY and -- so far -- there are NO CHURCHES or MALES doing a thing about it.  I suggest everyone who is reading this go to DEUTERONOMY 28 READ IT THEN READ LAMENTATIONS 5 ...


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