This is what happens when your ATTORNEY GENERAL and VISITING JUDGE'S are NOT crooked LAWYERS..
Macomb County Prosecutor Eric Smith pleaded to 10 felony counts and the Michigan Attorney General requested that Circuit Visiting Judge Nanci Grant freeze Eric Smiths pension worth over $6,900.00 per month. Erie County Prosecutor, Kevin J. Baxter, has thousands of felonies he has committed over the past three decades and Ohio AG, DAVE YOST has been appointing KJB to FIX cases all over the STATE of OHIO. JUST like the Catholic Church would move Pedophile Priests around to Unsuspecting, CLUELESS Diocese --Ohio's Attorney General's have been moving CRIMINAL Kevin J Baxter around to other Unsuspecting (taxpayers) Counties to RIG Cases in order to protect the Private Corporation aka the State of Ohio against Lawsuits.
The Erie County Prosecutor, Kevin J Baxter, has stolen over $1.2 million dollars (that we know of), Been BUSTED for Cocaine by the Attorney General's -BCI unit, Sexually Assaulted dozens of women before throwing many of them in Jail, drugging his own KID so that he could party, Debbie Pribanic testified under oath about her LIVE -IN at the time Tim Drake and KJB buying cocaine and weapons in Florida and shipping them back o OHIO for resale.....and much more. WHY ISN'T KJB IN PRISON ??? The OHIO BAR, OHIO SUPREME COURT and the all the AG"S since BETTY MONTGOMERY, FBI, ATF, U. S. Marshal, et al are all protecting him....ASK THESE so-called "PUBLIC SERVANTS" why. Call, email, text, write them all !!!
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