MARCH 18th, 2022...... What you are about to READ below shows how deep and widespread the corruption and LAWLESSNESS inside the BAR association is.... And how the LEGAL INDUSTRY is NOT capable of cleaning up the MESS they themselves have CREATED.
SIRACH 7: 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9...."Do no Evil, Evil will not overtake you; avoid wickedness, and it will turn aside from you.....SEEK NOT to become a JUDGE if you have NOT the Strength to root out Crime, Or you will show favor to the ruler and mar your Integrity. Be guilty of No Evil before the City's Populace, nor disgrace yourself before the assembly. Do not plot to repeat a sin; not even for one will you go UNPUNISHED.." The biggest destroyer of American Values and Freedom both Religious and other in this Country is The COURT SYSTEM. They are doing things to amass POWER over us that was NEVER GRANTED.. In Erie County, Ohio the Courts, et al had over 25 years to REIN IN and STOP the Erie County Prosecutor Kevin J Baxter from all his CRIMINAL Activities but did nothing. We are going to SHOW you another FAMILY that KJB and the Legal Industries has USED, ABUSED, JAILED and Possibly Murdered members of the-- SCHRECK FAMILY.
Apparently, the Schreck Family has been used by the REAL CRIMINALS in office in Erie County, Ohio. I, Ejay, and other members of the Baxter Family knew the Father, Ted Schreck, and many of his children. Ted went to prison for drugs etc. so the children grew up in not too good an environment. ALSO, Some of the people in the Families we are mentioning are going to Jail/Prison for less than what Kevin J Baxter has done & is doing now !!! THINK ABOUT THAT. We presented all the Evidence to our readers. We realize that KJB puts people in positions that they have to do what they are told...OR ELSE. You know CO-OPERATE with the POLICE/PROSECUTOR/COURTS....OR ELSE.
MISHALA SCHRECK has a very long history of criminal behavior starting back in 2002 with Child Endangerment. Unfortunately, like many of our readers, she grew up in a very dysfunctional family. Her father went to Prison back in 1994 when she and her siblings were a very young. But we are still responsible for poor decisions made over the years. Mishala has a long rap sheet and was charged with Child endangerment at least 3 times. The second time was in 2021 and when the Sandusky police Officer checked the Ohio CCH for any previous offenses it showed that there were none. When he went back to the Sandusky Municiple Court/ Police station he checked again and found that she had priors that were taken off the State Wide Program (Comprehensive Criminal History). There are no coincidences in the ERIE COUNTY LEGAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX....Of course, this is a Major Felony but KJB and the boyz seems to be above the LAW. Two things you must consider in this whole mess: First, why are they protecting the Schreck Family and friends and Second, The Police Officers in Erie County could get killed if they are doing this for more dangerous Individuals they pull over....
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