The old saying is that 99.99 % of the LAWYERS/ATTORNEYS/ESQUIRES give the rest of them a BAD NAME. Well, well OTTAWA COUNTY has another crooked LAWYER (don't mean to be redundant) by the name of THOMAS J. DeBACCO who was/is playing a little BALLET with the BOOKS. Of COURSE, the Ottawa County Prosecutor, JAMES VanEerten, doesn't give a damn if a fellow CRIMINAL STEALS off of the PUBLIC, you know, the TAXPAYERS. YES, Thomas J. DeBacco got caught NOT filing and/or refusing to file Federal Tax Returns for over 10 years. The FEDS only went back to 2006 so the Total came to $ 1,129, 040. 50. NO JAIL TIME, NO LOSS OF THOMAS'S BAR LICENSE, NO SUSPENSION and the OHIO BAR Controlled NEWS MEDIA never wrote a thing about it...Why??? Because TODAY they are NOT ALLOWED to expose the REAL BAD BOYZ and GIRLZ in our SOCIETY. Why is our doubting Thomas's residence in Cleveland, OH while his Place of Business (Office) is in Port Clinton, Ohio ? I don't know... but that's where the CASE was heard. Go to: The United States District Court for the North District of OHIO, Eastern Division at Cleveland, Ohio. CASE: 1:18-CV-01314, Doc. # :1 filed on 06/08/18. You will read that DESPITE such NOTICE and DEMAND Thomas J. DEBACCO had failed, neglected and/or REFUSED to PAY the Liabilities set forth by the IRS. They all agreed to an INSTALLMENT PLAN. No Problem if your an ESQUIRE. These LAWYERS/ATTORNEYS/ESQUIRES are stealing everywhere and anywhere. REMEMBER, Erie County Prosecutor, Kevin J Baxter stole over $1.2 million dollars off the Taxpayers including the $200,000.00 from the Schools. The Cuyahoga County Prosecutors, Judges, etc. (BAR Association) stole over 15 million dollars from the VICTIMS in Cuyahoga County and lets not forget Ottawa Counties- Doubting Thomas over 1.1 million dollars and NO ONE is in PRISON...WAKE-UP FELLOW AMERICANS. Lawyers/Attorneys/Esquires have destroyed every SOCIETY and COUNTRY they have been allowed to practice in....The COURTS are CLOSED to all the CITIZENS outside of the LEGAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. PLEASE ORGANIZE and PEACEFULLY FIGHT BACK.
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