Mr. Charles L. Tingler has been a very busy man. SO MANY CRIMINALS and SO LITTLE TIME. Mr. T - has filed a Major Complaint with that well known 'Criminal Entity' aka The Ohio Disciplinary Counsel. Now you are all aware that this Criminal Entity is made up of LAZY, low I.Q. Lawyers. This Organization was created so that these lazy, incompetent Lawyers have employment and the BAR Association could cover up and clean up for Crooked Lawyers, Judges, et al with (YOUR) taxpayers monies. Mr. Tingler filed with the ODC against former Ottawa County (Disgraced) Prosecutor -MARK MULLIGAN, former Medina County (Disgraced) Prosecutor - Dean Holman, Lifetime Government Employee LORI J. BROWN, Past ODC Head -Jonathan E. Coughlan and KING PIN of CORRUPTION - Erie County Prosecutor, KEVIN J BAXTER.
Mr. Tingler got a hold of all the information you need to read about how Dr. Elsebeth Baumgartner (along with her Family) were destroyed by these LOW LIFE, SCUMBAGS. All these people were involved in ONE BIG COVER-UP for KJB, the DRUG, SEX, PEDOPHILE, & WEAPON TRAFFICKERS along the NORTH COAST. This is also a R.I.C.O. case. Lori Brown was working for the Ohio Disciplinary Counsel at the time and she NOTARIZED all their Affidavits .... You will see that all these, what I consider, sexual perverts perjured themselves in their affidavits. READ EVERYTHING BELOW:
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