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This review is about the corruption of the U S government, judges, lawyers, politicians etc. and the complicity of the churches.

I have been involved in fighting corruption since 1963.

I don’t think we need to discuss the fact that corruption is out of control. Anyone with minimal intelligence should be able to figure that out. We have a judge that stated that “NO MATTER HOW BAD YOU THINK THE CORRUPTION IS, IT IS TEN TIMES WORSE”. It is hard to fathom how it would be ten times worse than what I know.

I have gone to a few churches asking for help, especially when it involves one of their members. Their reply has always been, we can’t get involved with legal and corruption problems. The reason for this response is they have formed a 501c3 corporation. They now must answer to the STATE GOD. I thought I read that there is but one GOD. The only reason they crawled in bed with the STATE GOD is money.

The ministers are masquerading as Christians. Remember, the most important thing to them is that you sheeple come to their church every Sunday and throw money at them.

NOW, let’s compare Yeshua's (Jesus) time and situation to where we are now. Crooked government and the Rabbis {Ministers} in bed with {STATE GOD}. The Rabbis would not do anything to interfere with their money pit. Any difference between then and now? The sheeple are still being manipulated.

Just remember they murdered the opposition then and they still do the same today.

I have spent much money and time in fighting this corruption. I have visited many churches and interviewed many ministers. The following is the only solution that I believe would save this country.

I believe an assembly should be formed that would follow Yeshua’s word and not that of King Constantine, King James, the Pope and all others that have manipulated Yeshua’s word so they could control the masses.

It could be called The House of Yeshua.

This assembly would be led by a shepherd. Not by someone calling himself father.

This assembly would study the instructions Yeshua gave to his apostles and follow his teachings. It would not incorporate and be in bed with the STATE GOD.

When I question something in the bible, the people I am talking to will tell me "you just need to have faith". Guess what, I don’t have faith in the likes of King Constantine, King James, the Pope etc.


In summary, Yeshua, from an early age, saw what the corruption was doing to his people. He studied the Old Testament and conversed with many leaders to formula his plan to save his people. No matter, there has never been a better person on this earth. He worked hard and sacrificed greatly for his people. He had a great plan; I have never heard of a better one. It is my belief that following his plan is the only way to save this country. Just remember “HIS PLAN” not King Constantine’s, King James’ etc. plans.

Bill Murray

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By EJAY February 14, 2025
These posts were on the original website and were recently recovered. Happy Investigating!
By EJAY February 14, 2025
These posts were on the original website and were recently recovered. Happy Investigating!
By EJAY February 14, 2025
These posts were on the original website and were recently recovered. Happy Investigating!
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