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STATE of OHIO v. ASHLI FORD Case # 2024 CR 0091in the Erie Co. Common Pleas "Crooked" Court with "hand picked" Debra L. Boros as da Judge !!

The boyz and girlz in Erie County, Ohio not like anyone/place or thing pointing out or exposing TRUTHFUL Facts and Evidence concerning the Legal Industrial Complex.... That's a  BIG NO NO !!  Especially along the NORTH COAST of Ohio aka The Mistake on the Lake ((Erie). The Ohio Bar Association and the Elected Officials have a lot going on and they do not need any distractions from their REAL BUSINESS VENTURES .... come on, you know .... The SEX/PEDOPHILE/DRUG and WEAPON TRAFFICKING.... as Ricky Ricardo would say 'Specially' now during the busiest time of the year.... When Pedophile park aka Cedar Point Amusement Park is open - along with - the Fantasy Islands and Jerry Sandusky, Ohio. Now getting back to the Ahsli Ford Case being Persecuted by Erie County Prosecutor, Kevin J Baxter...aka Coke Head Kevin

(google it with his last name). The people in Power do not like it when WOMEN or MINORITIES (Blacks) get uppity ... Sometimes they just have to be put in their place so they know who's the bossman round these parts.  Well, Ashli Ford was doing a lot of talkin about things she shouldn't be talkin bout. It all being TRUE nothin to do with it !!  Get my drift ? Well again we are going to let you ... highly intelligent ..... individuals read it all for yourself and decide who is right. Remembering that all the cases are rigged all the time !  Ashli Ford is doing her own work and filed a 99 page Motion to Dismiss with 500 pages of exhibits. and Erie County Prosecutor, Kevin J. Baxter filed - less than 3 full pages - a Motion to throw Ashli's Motion out !!! They want to give her a fair TRIAL then Hang her -- as the saying goes.

By EJAY February 14, 2025
These posts were on the original website and were recently recovered. Happy Investigating!
By EJAY February 14, 2025
These posts were on the original website and were recently recovered. Happy Investigating!
By EJAY February 14, 2025
These posts were on the original website and were recently recovered. Happy Investigating!
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