Remember, the definition of a Lawyer/Attorney/Esquire is ...A professional well trained LIAR, THIEF and EXTORTIONISTS. They produce NOTHING in Society (anymore). They EXTORT and STEAL your TIME, your PROPERTY and your MONIES and there is nothing you or I can do about it least, before the collapse. The Courts are CLOSED to you and anyone who tells the TRUTH concerning the corruption in the LEGAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. They (the B.A.R. association) owns and runs everything in this private corporation aka the United States of America. How did they do this ??? They did it all thru Contract Law and Licensing. These scumbags have PRIVATIZED all the government agencies and entities in America and you need a "license" to participate in their fraudulent economy (Federal Reserve). That's how they keep all the people in line....Like other lawyers, doctors, teachers, accountants, electricians, carpenters, etc. I will go into more details later on but lets get back to.....CHARLES L. TINGLER... He is NO LONGER ALLOWED to express his first amendment rights .... Meaning ....TELL the TRUTH on this website or any other outlet about the BAD BOYZ and GIRLZ running that PRIVATE CORPORATION aka The State of Ohio and, in particular, Erie and Ottawa Counties. Charles was told he would go to PRISON for five (5) years if he disobeys his slave masters like the Ottawa County Prosecutor- Master, the Erie County Prosecutor -Master, the Judges-Masters, etc. Unfortunately, there are NO REAL MEN in OHIO and the People are to LAZY, STUPID and COWARDLY to do anything about it. You live on the PLANTATION long enough, you get very comfortable !
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