TO ALL THE NON-CORRUPT SHERIFF'S IN OHIO: please MATT, TRACY and SR read what happened to the Sheriff's who reported Criminal Activities perpetrated by MEMBERS of the B.A.R. Association.
TWO HONEST SHERIFF'S IN OHIO TRIED TO DO THE RIGHT THING .... Summit County, Ohio Sheriff DREW ALEXANDER and Richland, Ohio Sheriff STEVE SHELDON both filed corruption-fixing investigation of cases- in their Counties. Bath Sheriff's Sheldon and Alexander filed in the State of Ohio Supreme Court that Kevin J Baxter fixed the (fake) investigations on dirty public officials/employees. And guess what the DIRTY HALF-DOZEN plus one did ??? TURN it over to the CROOKED ETHICS COMMITTEE. After 5 minutes of a thorough non-investigation they dismissed all charges against CROOKED Erie County Prosecutor Kevin J Baxter ---IN BOTH COUNTIES, SUMMIT and RICHLAND. Even the SUPREME COURT of Ohio is in on all the corruption. Erie County Sheriff (at this time) Terry LYONS told the Richland County Sheriff that KJB said it was a done deal he's letting the guy off. When Sheriff Sheldon brought this up in the Sandusky Register Newspaper...Terry Lyons said that his fellow Sheriff in Ohio was mistaken....TERRY LYONS lied to protect Kevin Baxter and the Ohio Supreme Court......TURN-COAT TERRY'S Reward was.... he became the HEAD of the SECURITY GUARDS for the Ohio Supreme Court in Columbus, Ohio....See...CRIME PAYS !!
APPARENTLY, It's not only LEGAL to Rape Women and Children in Erie County, Ohio but to also Kill African Americans because the NAACP, the ACLU, the Rainbow Coalition in Chicago and the Ohio BAR association have done NOTHING, NOTHING, their fellow DEMOCRATIC Prosecutor in ERIE COUNTY....Read on
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