FEBRUARY of 2022. The ERIE COUNTY PROSECUTOR, Kevin J. Baxter, - The Erie County Courts (Judges) along with the rest of the LEGAL INDUSTRIAL COMLPEX in Jerry-Sandusky, Ohio has decided to Implement what they call their SCORCHED EARTH STRATEGY because of what we have EXPOSED. Yes, they are now trying to destroy all the people/families (Women and Minorities) that Kevin J. Baxter has used for decades for his own personal gain. Things Like: SEX, DRUGS, MONEY and Workers to spy on others and enforce anything KJB deems necessary to cover his ass. Some of these families, but not limited to, are the Ashakih Family, the Harris's, and all the women he used for SEX before he threw them in PRISON. Now that Kevin has been exposed as being the king pin in the Sex/Drugs/ Weapons Trade around the NORTH COAST he's going after all his employees. KJB has a long history - Over 3 Decades- of this. Read
NEWS FLASH from Erie County, Ohio:
The REAL CRIMINALS are going after one of the members of the ASHAKIH FAMILY....Why ?? Because the TAIL is WAGGING the DOG. YES..KJB and all his criminal friends are reacting what we are printing on this BLOG. Now they are making up stories to COVER-UP for Kevin Baxter and Mark Stuckey - Two WHITE Lawyers using their position to have SEX with Two Mixed-Race Sisters. Real Sisters !! Fifi-Ashakih-Lambert has been doing Kevin for decades. Now that we exposed what her sister Moheb Ashakih did to her own dog. (Intentionally Killed him in her car). We now have KJB, his crooked staff and cops working around the clock destroying records, intimidating individuals so that they can make up an acceptable story for ALL of YOU out there. This is the story they want you to believe- FOR NOW- subject to change: 1st of all, the time limit has already expired for Moheb's prosecution - unless her Lawyer waived the time limit. In short, sold her down the river. Next, a Summons (affidavit) was filed on January 13, 2022 for Moheb to appear in court on January 26th, 2022. Corrupt Sheriff Sigsworth sent one of his deputies to Moheb's house, that had already been condemned by the City of Sandusky. That means she is not allowed to live there..Get it! Then the Crooked Sheriff sent one of his deputies to the same condemned house a second time on February 18, 2022. GUESS WHAT...She wasn't there again. Dammit !! So KJB's Office revoked the Bond and now she's supposedly on the run. Did you check her original place of residence in Cleveland, Ohio... Of course not ! Sounds TOO CONVENIENT to me.
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