Erie County Auditor JUDE HAMMOND was the only elected official that tried to do the RIGHT thing and then KJB went after him. David Palmer ( filed all the proof in the Erie County Auditors Office/the Attorney Generals Office/ the State Auditors Office/the Ethics and Disciplinary Counsel's and nothing was done. Jude Hammond passed it on to the Ohio AG Jim Petro and PETRO like all the other members of the BAR covered it up. Jim PETRO wouldn't even return Mr. Hammonds phone calls...Jude saw the handwriting on the wall......Didn't run again and got out of Sandusky.....ERIE COUNTY lost the best Auditor they ever had.
GUESS WHO'S NUMBER KEPT COMING UP ON ERIE COUNTY PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE PHONE ???? DONALD TAYLOR, the Son of Judge McCrystal's main man, Donald Taylor Sr., who lived in PORT ST. LUCIE, Florida..dozens and dozens of phone calls.....Remember, Where did DEBBIE PRIBANIC say KJB and TD purchased all the COKE/WEAPONS/ etc. ?? SOUTHERN FLORIDA.....where does the whole Baxter Clan...JUDY BAXTER MONAGHAN +BILL, James and Cyndi Baxter, Nancy Baxter Plesnarski + Skip, Kevin Baxter +bimbo of the Month.........VACATION together around TURKEY WEEKEND ??? FLORIDA....who lives in the State of Florida ???? Chuck Hollaway, John O'Nan, Bergmoser and many, many Sandusky people with pilot licenses.....U FIGURE it OUT.....The FBI, BCI, etc can't...
Past Judge Ann Maschari's Bailiff Tom McGowan's son- A lawyer, Charles McGowan busted for drug/money laundering in Columbus, Ohio....Working with KJB ??? Are all the BAR members involved...You bet your BIPPY they are...
1 Corinthians 5:11-12....But I now write to you not to associate with anyone named a BROTHER, if he is IMMORAL, GREEDY, an IDOLATER, a SLANDERER, a DRUNKARD, or a ROBBER, not even eat with such a person...GOD will Judge those outside. PURGE the EVIL person from your midst....
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