I'm going to list the names of the people involved in the ISLAND EXPRESS, LLC. aka the ROCKET. Remember KJB stole over 1.2 million dollars off of the taxpayers in Ohio ?? Well, he fleeced his own so-called friends to.... Kevin Baxter, Duane Ohly (these two took the rest of them). Daniel Howell, Andrew Martin, REX COLE, Joe Fratoe, Chris Fresch, Raymond Remy, Arthur Wolfe, Greg Blcilc, Mark Braun, Chris Eckenrod, Barry Brunnes, Huston (Skip) Prout, Ron Koza, Lawrence Cariglio, Joe Keogh, Dale Runevitch, BRET KINZEL, Steve Boros.. Honorable mention Kuttos goes to Dick Grubbe because he gave them the name of a "special person" in DC to contact to BRIBE ($50,000) SENATOR TED STEVEN for over $500,000.00 free money on you... What happened to Ted Stevens OHHH another coincidence...DIED in a PLANE CRASH in ALASKA..there's a lot more I know this also sounds a little cazy..Dr. Martin Beerman was associated with Mrs. Betty Harris's case at Firelands Regional Hospital and he died in a plane crash at the age of 68 in 2021...It stated in the newspaper that the Plane seemed to have just BROKEN UP.....MMmm
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