WE will be investigating many more of the QUESTIONABLE DEATHS in Erie County. Such as: John Wayne Arowood, John Debrski, Deni Lieb (Adam Lieb's sister) etc. We already know that DARLENE MATTHES was Murdered .... it wasn't a suicide.. {WE HAVE ALL THE AUTOPIES on the MATTHES MURDER and the STEVEN L. HOWLAND MURDER} The reason why (Ejay) I am focusing on suicides/murders in Erie County is because I have (personal) first hand knowledge of KJB's HISTORY since birth. Kevin had (3) close friends in high school and they bought, sold and used cocaine, etc. together. They knew "everything" about Kevin Baxter. Well, KJB's best buddies are all dead. Two (2) from Suicides and one from suposedly natural causes at 63 years old. Kevin J. Baxter was the last person with Dan the night of the suicide. Why was this NEVER INVESTIGATED ???
NEWS FLASH: Amir O. Ashakih On February 10th, 2022 was Indicted on 8 Felony Counts because KJB was exposed as BIG SUGAR DADDY for the whole ASHAKIH FAMILY and Now Kevin J. Baxter is trying to cover his ass by throwing his Boyz and Girlz under the Cedar Point Bridge.-next to the Pedophile Park in Jerry-Sandusky, Ohio. CASE # 2021 CR 0202 is a Shit Show for all the Cowards in Erie County. Just think, You got the Coke Head Erie County Prosecutor, Kevin Baxter who was busted for Cocaine by the BCI who work for the Attorney General's Office, you had the Debbie Pribanic Testimony under oath about KJB and Friends Transporting Drugs and weapons to Ohio for resale, Rape, Theft in Office of over $1.2 million from the Taxpayers, suspicous deaths and many other felonies and he signed the 8 page Indictment along with Clerk of Courts Luvada A. Wilson who is also accused of drug issues. CHECK it out YOURSELF...
Before you EVER hire a Lawyer, you must do your own research and know who they are and what they represent. Remember, they are all members of the British Accredited Registrars...B.A.R. Association. Read the LINK and do the HOMEWORK !!
Please send us information if you have something to contribute to the blog.