MAY 25th, 2022... APARENTLY, the Cleveland Browns picked a SERIAL Sex Offender for their Quarterback. Deshaun WATSON probably heard about the Erie County Prosecutor, Kevin J Baxter, getting a FREE PASS on Drugging and Raping a Young Black women, Krista Harris, and sexually assaulting, at least, a dozen other women.. SOME of the WOMEN KJB SENT TO PRISON after using them for sex. NORTHERN OHIO is the place to be if your going to RAPE WOMEN and/or CHILDREN. I believe the Cleveland Browns Quarterback, Mr. WATSON, is a good fit for the North Coast, Cleveland and the TEAM. WELCOME to all SEX OFFENDERS, DRUGGIES, PEDOPHILES and other MISFITS.
SEEMS TO ME.....Houston, Texas has at least one crooked prosecutor just like the ones in OHIO. The 22 women are Lying B's and Deshaun Watson is a Sunday School Teacher during off season...
Another Cleveland Brown, Kareen Hunt, women ABUSER....WELCOME to OHIO...IT's ALL LEGAL HERE..
I suggest that you READ this TRUE STORY about Rapes at PENN STATE before Jerry Sandusky's Criminal Activities with young boys.
THIS is another way the Ohio Prosecutors (BAR assoc.) FIXES COURT CASES....NO STRANGLE LAW ?? What about ASSAULT ?
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