The McDonald Case is the EPITOME of everything wrong with the OHIO BAR association, the "private corporation" aka State of Ohio and especially the ERIE COUNTY, Ohio Prosecutors Office. To start with, I do not know what happened that night over a quarter of a century ago. No one really knows because Kevin J Baxter the crooked prosecutor from Erie County fixes ALL the CASES he is involved in. Starting with the Grand Juries, the Evidence controlled by the Prosecutors Office, the witnesses that lie or are intimidated by KJB, the rigged Jury, etc. What I do know is that the other two (2) men that were alledged by the crooked courts to be in the Vehicle have been free for a long, long time. The other two (2) men being Shawn Caston and Daryl Turner. I know how the system works... Kevin J Baxter wrote up a confession that they were forced to sign to get out of Prison... It's called extortion of their signatures...A FELONY, by KJB. Shawn and Daryl had to do exactly what the BOSS MAN told them to do. I know very well what happened to them.... because KJB did the same thing to me. NOW we got CROOKED, Corrupt Ohio Attorney General. DAVE YOST, who is suing a sitting Judge Tygh Tone because he didn't obey COKE-HEAD KEVIN J. BAXTER on keeping the BLACK GUY -McDonald-,in PRISON for NOT obeying his commands. Judge Tygh Tone is very COURAGEOUS for what he has done and probably knew that he would be attacked by the BOYZ. He is probably being threatened just like: Ejay, Shawn and Brian Baxter were, KRISTA's Family, Joe and Elsebeth Baumgartner' Family, Doug and Mary Wright's Family, etc.... Everyone that goes against Kevin J Baxter and the MATRIX ...... are destroyed physically, financially, character wise, IMPRISIONED and or TURN UP DEAD... This whole thing is about protecting Kevin J Baxter, the BAR and the State of Ohio aka the MATRIX. This case is similar to the ARICA WATERS Case in Ottawa County, Ohio.. Both Kevin J Baxter and the Police Officer at Put in Bay raped BLACK WOMEN and DAVE YOST is trying to protect both of them.
FRANCIS JOHNSON signed a statement saying she was OKAY with DeWitt McDonald getting out of Prison. She is the Mother of the murdered woman, Vivian Johnson. If this is true, then who is the Ohio AG-DAVE YOST-really protecting...We Know...Erie County Prosecutor, Kevin J Baxter. Also Many of the Family Members and witnesses in this case have commited the same CRIMES Kevin Baxter has..... But they all went away. Now you see why Kevin Baxter had that PHOTO SHOOT with some of the Family Members.
Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost likes protecting RAPISTS expecially when they rape BLACK WOMEN.....Dave YOST is suing Judge Tygh TONE because he doesn't bow to SATAN... READ all about how Dave Yost tried to PUT ARICA WATERS in Jail for reporting her being RAPED by Put-In-Bay Detective Jeremy Berman....SAVE the WHITE GUYS put the Blacks in JAIL..
We need all of you readers to PRAY for the safety of JUDGE TYGH TONE and the defense attorney....This is the case where it showed that KJB lied under oath and was busted for COCAINE by the AG's Office-BCI...These same Judges who ruled against Kevin J. Baxter in this case and knowing what he is ....ARE STILL PROTECTING this Corrupt Prosecutor, Kevin J Baxter...WHY ???
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