Dietrich BONHOEFFER was credited with this quote "Silence in the face of EVIL is itself EVIL: GOD WILL NOT HOLD US GUILTLESS. Not to Speak is to Speak. Not to Act is to Act. And all these 501c3 Corporate Churches in Ohio (Erie, Ottawa, Cuyahoga Counties, etc.) have not only been SILENT but but have been 'Willing Participants' in the cover-up of: the widespread SEX, PEDOPHILE, DRUG, WEAPON TRAFFICKING TRADE along the North coast of OHIO. As this website has pointed out many times over the past 4 + Years ... Women and Children are being sexually abused, Raped and put into slavery all over OHIO with no one even addressing this travesty of INJUSTICE. Along with the CHURCHES, NEWS MEDIA, and the LEGAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX (LAWYERS) ....The MALES have turned a blind eye to everything. I use the term males because there are NO MEN in OHIO. If man eating lions were turned lose ...they would starve to death in a matter of days. When you have an Erie County Prosecutor - Kevin J Baxter - openly involved in all of these CRIMES and not one member of the Ohio B.A.R association, FBI, ATF, BCI, and ALL the ELECTED OFFICIALS in both major parties have said nothing......Then its time for the PEOPLE to do whatever is necessary to save the children and women....
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