Erie County, OHIO has one of it's finest pedophile protectors as a sitting Common Pleas Court Judge located in the City of Jerry-Sandusky, Oh. The Dishonorable Judge ROGER BINETTE worked for the Erie County Prosecutor-Kevin J Baxter- for many years before he was elected to the 4th Judgeship not needed in Erie County. The 4th Judgeship is costing the taxpayers over 0ne million dollars a year ($1,000,000.00) and going up as you read. Roger Binette was in CHARGE of KJB's scrupulous ERIE COUNTY TASK FORCE until the voters put an end to it. They were known to plant drugs on Black & Poor White Drug Dealers (because they couldn't catch them) .... BUST em, BOOK em, then JAIL em. In essence, get rid of their competitors. When theses Busted Drug Dealers get out they start working for BIG SUGAR DADDY aka KJB's Cartel. NICE SYSTEM...That's when the real fun begins. KJB, elected officials, law enforcement, etc.then go after their women while the druggies are doing time. (remember, RAPES LEGAL). I digress....Judge Roger Binette's brother, Donald Binette, liked girls in their early teens...13, 14, etc. Apparently DONALD was having sex with several young girls just past puberty. Well, he got caught and the BOYZ brought in a crooked Visiting Judge to give DONNIE-BOY a real sweet deal... Three Years - MAYBE - Read below. The Erie County Courts are running a SEX, DRUG, PEDOPHILE TRAFFICKING RING and your paying for it.
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