The Hell's Angels had an old saying "Three can keep a secret - if Two are dead". Well, the B.A,R. Association has embraced this line of thinking in their Satanic Organization. We have done numerous investigations on questionable and also what appears to be extremely convenient deaths of persons that didn't cooperate or play ball the BOYZ in control. You may call these accidents/murders/suicides - Just Coincidences, Karma, or Maybe the boyz in the band had something to do with it.
This is the first part in a three part series because of the number of "convenient" deaths surrounding the Erie County Prosecutor and others associated with this Psychopathic Maniac aka Kevin J. Baxter. He has a long history of criminal activities and has been protected by all the Attorneys, Judges and Elected Officials in the State of Ohio. Both democrats and republicans have not only turned a blind eye to his horrible crimes on Society but have also assisted in the "Clean Up - Cover Up procedures" to keep KJB in office. Don't cross him or the Matrix or things will happen to you or your family: 1. they assassinate your character, your name and, therefore, your credibility through the government controlled corporate press. 2. they physically destroy your life socially, economically etc. through the rigged government agencies 3. and last and more permanent --- they have done away with -- Killed. We will be showing number 3.
ATTORNEY STEVEN L. HOWLAND - He was hired by the Harris Family to represent Krista Harris against Coke Head KJB on the FALSE CHARGES filed in the crooked Erie County Courts, Ohio. Mr. Howland was with Hardinman, Buchanan, Howland & Trivers a prominent African American Law Firm located in Cleveland, Ohio. Hhe e took the case and told Krista Harris that he was appalled at what the Erie Co. Prosecutor did to her and he would take care of everything. Just a few days later, Attorney Steven l. Howland was found dead in the bathroom of his apartment at the young age of 49 years old. The BAD GUYS ruled it a SUICIDE. The Coroner's findings stated that Howland shot himself in the head - but there was no sign of soot or stippling - around the wound and they could NOT find the BULLET. The GUN was found in the SINK. There was no suicide note found at the scene of crime. Later, the POLICE CLAIM they found one on the Modem. Mmmm. No one signed the Police Report and later the GUN came up missing. NOTHING to SEE HERE !! After his death, his partner's and x-wife fared pretty well in their professional lives. Howland's X-Wife, also an attorney - Kathleen S. DeMetz - gets all the big cases as a defense attorney in the Cleveland Public Defenders Office for example Ariel Castro Case. Alan Dean Buchanan is now a CLEVELAND HEIGHTS JUDGE and partner James L. Hardiman has been named Legal director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio..... HUSH MONEY ? Bribes ??
DEBBIE PRIBANIC - She was an eye witness to her past live in boyfriend - TIM DRAKE - and Erie Co. Prosecutor, Kevin J Baxter - Buying illegal Drugs (COCAINE) and Weapons, etc. from the DRUG LORDS in Southern Florida then shipping the back to OHIO for resale. She had the COURAGE to come forward and testify first, with two BCI agents: REX RUSSELL and RHONDA DENDINGER (Both crooks), then two FBI Agents and again she went to Columbus, Ohio to testify under oath with the Ohio Ag- Mike DeWine - assistant - Jerri Lynne Fosnaught. (she also represented the State against McDonald Rigged Case) She wanted Debbie to recant..SHE REFUSED. A short time later she was MISDIAGNOSED and later died at the age of 61 of Lou Gehrig's Disease....Very Suspicious...Her former husband and father of her children Jamie Pribanic passed away UNEXPECTENTLY two years earlier. He knew the BAXTER CLAN his whole life and everything about Kevin Baxter including KJB's DRUG ADDICTIONS.
DARLENE MATTHES was married to an Ottawa County Sheriff's deputy by the name of Martin Matthes. Darlene Matthes had divorced Martin for abusive behavior to her and daughter.. Drugs, Alcohol and many other major issues were going to get out. Darlene supposedly committed suicide by smothering VIA a soaked pillow. The autopsy report and the conclusions don't match. AGAIN...The whole report will be put up on the Gallery of Evidence by the end of the week...Stay Tuned...Shocking.
SENATOR TED STEVENS of ALASKA was the Chairman of the Department of Transportation Committee. Kevin Baxter, et al BRIBED the former Senator Stevens through a LOBBYIST in DC. The ROCKET BOYZ donated/bribed the Senator with $50,000.00 (cash) through a lobbyist - Sandusky Attorney Richard (DICK) Grubbe knew. In RETURN the ISLAND EXPRESS, LLC received, Illegally, a GRANT for $500,000.00 in CASH funnelled through the Department of OHIO Transportation. KJB and the Boyz didn't have to pay it back. ALL ILLEGAL. What happened to TED STEVENS ??? He was driven out of office on on Corruption Charges. Not long after died in a small Plane Crash on vacation in Alaska....MORE to this... will expose later
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