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EJ Baxter


I went to a Catholic Grade School growing up and they taught us Students: There are two (2) types of SINS...Sins of Commission and Sins of Omission and that a HALF-TRUTH is a WHOLE LIE. Well, that's what's going on with the government/corporate controlled news media in Ohio and all through America. OUR records show that this WEBSITE has more readers than all the other major newspapers in OHIO...Not because we're so GREAT but because we are trying to let you, the READER, know the TRUTH, the whole TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH...

Before WE tie all these "private" corporations together- which we will-we want to point out the fact that OHIO has had bad, corrupt OHIO ATTORNEY GENERALS from BETTY MONTGOMERY till today-- OHIO AG DAVE YOST....They openly admit they DO NOT REPRESENT the PEOPLE of OHIO. They claim that their job is represent the "private" government agencies especially all the 88 prosecutors in OHIO. That is NOT TRUE... That's their POLICY as members of the B.A.R. ! It is NOT the LAW. Just like Dirty DAVE YOST proclaims that he can't intervene in a County unless the CROOKED PROSECUTOR invites him in....BUT they are lying to you and all YOUR government controlled media never calls them on this BIG LIE. They have a MORAL, ETHICAL, LEGAL and LAWFUL DUTY to Prosecute these crooked PROSECUTOR'S for the CRIMES commited against the People in each County. Ohio AG, DAVE YOST, has all the information needed to PROSECUTE/ARREST/JAIL the ERIE COUNTY PROSECUTOR, Kevin J. Baxter. Instead he's protecting him...KJB has committed hundred's of FELONIES against the people in OHIO and should be put on trial as a DOMESTIC TERRORISTS !!! Even your crooked Erie County Sheriff, Paul Sigsworth (less), could request Dirty Dave to come in ....But that ain't gonna happen....Paul Sigsworth is INVOLVED up to his neck in COVER-UP

TEXAS AG being prosecuted for far less than what KEVIN J BAXTER did.....WHY ???

PENNSYLVANIA AG Kathleen Kane arrested/jailed .... WHY isn't KJB in PRISON and why isn't Dave Yost prosecuting him ???

I wrote above how the SR Newspaper along with all the other Newspapers in OHIO are controlled by the LEGAL INDUSTRY-the BAR association-and other "private" corporations. They do it through SINS OF OMISSIONS and/or HALF-TRUTHS....Unfortunately, the SR gave a PERFECT EXAMPLE of this FACT with their coverage on a TRAGIC SITUATION involving two (2) Families who lost loved ones along with another person being seriously injured. BUT we recieved numerous phone calls and we want to stay TRUE to our readers....PLEASE READ the WHOLE SR ARTICLE first... before you read OUR COMMENTS on what we percieve as (intentional or accidental) information left out- OMMITTED.

Sandusky Register- Ohio wrote this....

WTOL Toledo, Ohio News wrote this.....

REMEMBER, THE SHOW and SCRIPT has already been written about this already RIGGED CASE....What we want to show you first, is the ACTORS/Players involved in this show....

People involved in this TRAGEDY: NICHOLAS M. BARYLSKI was the person RESPONSIBLE for this tragic ACCIDENT, which ended up killing a 15 year old girl, badly injuring her Step Mother -who was life flighted to a hospital and immediately ending his (Mr. Barylski's) own life at the age of 49. NONE of the news Media mentioned that Nicholas M. Barylski is the son of the PAST CHIEF PROSECUTOR for Erie County, Ohio -MARY ANN BARYLSKI. She was Erie County Prosecutor, Kevin J. Baxter's, Chief Assistant Prosecutor for DECADES. She COVERED-UP and CLEANED-Up for Kevin J. Baxter's criminal activities for years. She knew all about KJB's Drug Problems, Krista Harris's Sexual Rape and FALSE Charges, EJAY's FALSE 81 Indictments, the Island Express scam of 1.2 million dollar and much more. The reason I bring this up is because the Lawyer, KYLE WRIGHT, never mentioned Nicholas M. Barylski's Estate/Family in the Lawsuit.  Defense Attorney KYLE WRIGHT and Erie County Prosecutor, Kevin J Baxter have worked together many times to rig Grand Juries/court cases etc. The case I cited below explains how Kevin J Baxter worked with Kyle Wright to prevent Wrights client from being Indicted by the grand jury. SUMMARY of CASE first:

 A 20 year old College Student from Pennsylvania raped a 14 year old African American Girl at Cedar Point Amusement Park back in 2015. DOMENICO GRACE-IACOVETTA was arrested but not held and allowed to go back to College in Pennsylvania. The Erie County Prosecutor Kevin J Baxter allowed the RAPIST to come back to the City of Sandusky, Ohio later and testify at the GRAND JURY. KJB and KYLE WRIGHT worked together to get this College PREPPY acquitted. BAXTER allowed the RAPIST to bring his lawyer, Kyle Wright., the Rapist and another witness for the defense into the Grand Jury and the 14 year old girl.....the REAL VICTIM-- was basically alone. The only other time KJB allowed the defense into the Grand Jury with his lawyer was for his boat buddy-City of Sandusky Municipal Court Judge- Eric O'Brien. IT GETS WORSE....After the Rigged Grand Jury acquitted the rapist IACOVETTA- According to the Sandusky Register- ...Erie County Prosecutor, Kevin J Baxter, provided insight as why the Grand Jury may have reached its conclusion. "Another witness disputted the vistims account of facts leading to the sexual assault allegations. There were other issues with the vistims account of the Incident and Issues with her COOPERATION (CODE WORD for go away) as to the Sexual Assault Examination, BAXTER SAID !!!    Remember, the 21 year old man provided alcohol for the UNDERAGE 14 year old girl. (got her drunk) NOT A CRIME ?? The 14 year old girl had IACOVETTA's SPERM all over her breasts....This is all in the lawsuit and the hospital knew all about this....WHO WORKS at FIRELANDS Medical Regional Center ?? Kevin Baxter's past employee both as an assistant Prosecutor and Instrumental in the BAXTER ESTATE grand theft case-Lawyer and Chief thief ROBERT M. MOORE. Let us not forget Nurse MISHALA SCHRECK -who worked both for the Erie County Coroner -BRIAN Baxter who happens to be Kevin J Baxter's brother-and for Firelands Medical Regional Hospital.. LETS get back to the RAPE CASE.... Attorney, for Rapist IACOVETTA, Kyle Wright made these statement about the 14 year old girl..."It was pretty clear there was a lot of fudging that occured. She had reason, IN MY OPINION-(Defense Attorney) -to maybe stretch the TRUTH. Whereas, my client did not. (Told and Rehearsed) I really think it was a scenario where things kind of spiraled....This is how you RIG a Grand Jury in Erie County.... THEY UNDERMINED the RAPED GIRL'S CASE against CEDAR FAIR, INC.  READ BELOW:

ATTORNEY KYLE WRIGHT will not go after the BARYLSKI'S ESTATE/ or the man who actually caused all this harm because that's MARY ANN BARYLSKI's FAMILY...the Erie County Prosecutor, Kevin J Baxter will file CRIMINAL CHARGES against the BAR MAID/TENDER and the BAR because they are diverting the BLAME so that Mary Ann Barylski's Family can also file a LAWSUIT and get MONIES from Insurance, etc. ITS a WIN-WIN for the LAWYERS and a lose-lose for the REST of SOCIETY.

Neither ATTORNEY KYLE WRIGHT nor the Erie County Prosecutor, Kevin J Baxter, THINK ANYTHING WAS WRONG WHEN HIS CLIENT IACOVETTA's supplied the 14 year old girl with ALCOHOL and got her Intoxicated before he RAPED HER ......But it was ALL the BARTENDER and BAR OWNERS FAULT because a 49 year old MAN got drunk and killed himself, a 15 year old child and seriously injured the little girl's step-mother.

ANOTHER CONNECTION Between Doctors and Lawyers...

NICOLE BARYLSKI-DANNER D.O. is Mary Ann Barylski's daughter and lost a 7.4 Million dollar lawsuit to the Family . The reason I am writing about this is the Connection between Nicole, Mary Ann and Kevin J Baxter.. The Legal and Medical Professions are all working together to clean up and covering up. Remember, they are licensed by that "private" corporation aka The State of Ohio.

The Gallagher's -Both Doctors- sued the Hospital that they worked at and their Mother was Harmed at....READ the Lawsuit.... not Good...

WATCH..Their killing people ...

MAY 19, 2022 UPDATE 

KRISTA HARRIS spoke to the CITY of Sandusky Police Chief JARED OLIVER about the TIMOTHY BAUMBERGER sexual imposition and compelling prostitution of a 16 year old African American MALE. The Police Chief-Jared Oliver-stated that he turned everything (on the case) over to the Erie County Prosecutor, Kevin J. Baxter. That was weeks ago. Is Timothy Baumberger still working at Cedar Point amusement Park ?? we believe YES. Can't get rid of him because Timothy wasn't charged....Why is Kevin J Baxter protecting him?? Remember, Adam Lieb, The chief Probation Officer for the City of Sandusky, was having sex with the same African American Male...

MAY 22, 2022

ANOTHER 100 MILLION REASONS the CITY of SANDUSKY, ERIE COUNTY and CEDAR FAIR, INC are having so-called NEGOTIATIONS with each other. They are all in it together !!! OF COURSE, your local news media CAN NOT go there because of all the ADVERTISMENT MONIES flowing into the Sandusky Register, the local RADIO Stations like WLEC, etc and the TV MEDIA in Northern OHIO. They have been BOUGHT and SOLD a long, long time ago.

WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY NEGOTIATING ABOUT ? WE KNOW....The City of Sandusky and the Erie County Boyz and Girlz are in deep trouble... They all covered everything up...Orders from Erie County, Ohio Prosecutor, Kevin J Baxter and his assistant in crime - the City of Sandusky, Ohio Prosecutor Lynne Gast-King....Last time I looked it isn't/ wasn't The Cedar Point Amusement Park's responsibility and duty to Investigate and Prosecute CRIMES in Sandusky and Erie County. It all goes back to SERIEL SEX OFFENDER, RAPIST, COKE-HEAD KJB...but your local Sheriff, Paul Sigsworth (KJB's boy) could call in the crooked AG's Office or the Feds ... But that ain't gonna happen.... And what about the local City of Sandusky Police Chief-Jared Oliver ? He worked with/for the crooked Sheriff and the City Police Force before he became Police Chief of Sandusky......They are all GUILTY.....STOP PROTECTING KJB !!!

MAY 23, 2022

A little knowledge would help stop the disception by LUCIFER (the B.A.R. association).

According to BLACK LAW Dictionary: COLOR OF LAW is the APPEARANCE or SEMBLANCE, WITHOUT the substance, of Legal Right, Misuse of Power, possessed by virtue of state law and made possible ONLY because WRONGDOER is clothed with Authority of State is Action taken under of COLOR of LAW. Please read the LINK below.....It explains how that "private entity" called the State of Ohio has NO AUTHORITY to do what it is doing to the people residing in Ohio.

Shocking and Appalling UPDATE.....

AMIR ASHAKIH seems to be on the run along with FiFi's sister-Moheb ASHAKIH, Jeremy Newell, et al

Remember, FiFi Ashakih-Lambert has been having Sexual relations with the Erie County, OH Prosecutor since the late 1980's....FiFi happens to be Amir's aunt and the sister of Moheb. Well, well Amir was a no show for the Hearing Scheduled for May 18th, 2022.... As of Monday May 23rd---Nothing has been filed on the DOCKET ... KJB went along with AMIR being let out on BOND ... KJB has NOT filed to revoke his Bond since his NO SHOW last THURSDAY. ....Maybe FiFi had a say in this Court Case thing....wink, wink, nudge, nudge ! AMIR had at least 4 seperate ---- major --- Court Cases pending such as drug trafficking, Crashing into a Police Car, Possession of Cocaine, etc. BUT each time AMIR got stopped the Law Enforcers confiscated between $8,000.-10,000. CASH -- depending which police officer you talk to -- and over a quarter million dollars worth of drugs...Where did all that go ??? To many questions and not enough Truthful answers.

THE CORPORATE NEWS MEDIA is STILL diverting the REAL ISSUE in Erie County/City of Sandusky/ Cedar Point Amusement Park................Where's the LEGAL INDUSTRY ??? Its all rigged...all the Time. Remember its the COVER-UP not the Crime....The Erie County Sheriff, Paul Sigsworth; the Erie County Prosecutor, Kevin J Baxter; the City of Sandusky Police Chief, Jared Oliver and All the Elected Officials et al that are REALLY RESPONSIBLE for the NON-PROSECUTION of the Rapists in Northern Ohio.. Why ?? Because they are also Raping women and children..

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